
A successful career starts by defining what makes you distinctive. Our Career Sucess Program will help you to create and communicate a distinctive Personal Brand, and use it as the focal point on which to build your career. Having a strong Personal Brand is a very important asset in today’s competitive jobseeker market.

Are you looking for a fresh approach to your career?

A successful career means different things to different people. Your career might be about your job, whether it be getting a promotion, finding a role that’s right for you or improving as a leader. Or perhaps you want to escape the corporate world and start your own business.

 Career Power Sessions

Career Power Sessions are 90 mins in duration and have an immediate impact on your effectiveness. You choose one topic, whether it be;

  • preparing for an important interview,
  • submitting a winning job application,
  • learning how to negotiate a higher salary or
  • learning how to get results from a networking meeting

To register a time for a Power Session call 0403 795 518

Career Success Program

My approach to career strategy involves a proven, structured methodology and is customised to take into account your personal needs, learning style, goals and preferences. The process, honed over the past 13 years, includes regular meetings, structured exercises, weekly e-mail accountability check-ins as well as phone calls as needed to deal with specific issues that emerge. The Career Success Program includes four phases:

Phase 1: Discovery First, we define your vision. You’ll explore your values and separate the wheat from the chaff so you can clearly focus on what you love, value, enjoy doing and want most from your life and work. During this brainstorming phase, you’ll go through a series of exercises that help you unearth your true wants and needs. The goal is to figure out what excites you most, find the direction that generates the most energy, and distil your wants down to a definable set of information that can be further refined in later phases. At the close of this phase, you will think, “Ahhh, yes, if I could have that, I would be very fulfilled.”

Phase 2: Exploration Next, we evaluate your options for achieving the new reality you have identified. In a safe setting, we flesh out a few alternatives so you have the freedom to “try out” different paths using specific helpful tools so you know exactly what to do. You’ll leave this phase ready to pursue one or two options in earnest. We also will identify quick changes to make your current situation more satisfying and palatable. Even in overwhelming situations, you’ll discover specific, focused actions you can take to make things better now.

Phase 3: Transformation Next, you’re ready to move forward, taking step-by-step focused action to achieve your goals. The process may include writing, reflecting, interacting with others, trying new things, acquiring training or any other activities that support moving forward; it is unique to each individual. When you get scared, we’ll explore ways you can feel safe. There is accountability, support, troubleshooting and celebration throughout, as you create your new reality and move forward in ways that may have never seemed possible before. The phase lasts as long as needed to help you realise your dreams.

Phase 4: Refinement Once you have accomplished your initial goals, you can choose to continue with “ad-hoc” coaching sessions – tune-ups to keep you on track. During this maintenance mode, you’ll continue periodic discussions with your coach to stay in touch with what is important and tweak your course as your needs, wants and circumstances change. You will  have access to your coach as a sounding board to work through and solve particular issues that come up.

Book an initial chat online now:

 After you’ve got the job what then?

The 3 components in the Onboarding Program are the foundation on which you will build your 90 day on-boarding plan that allows you to see results that are consistent with your career objectives. The program draws on concepts discussed by Micheal Watkins in his book The First 90 Days.


Our on-boarding model is based on three simple building blocks of success.

  1. Knowledge
  2. Relationships
  3. Feedback

Understanding what you need to know…

The first pillar, knowledge, refers to the information that new leaders need to acquire throughout their on-boarding. It starts with a broad overview of the organisations vision, mission, values and history, and then builds to current strategies, processes and culture. From there, new leaders need timely knowledge about their function, their teams and their roles.

Understanding who you need to get to know…

The next pillar, building relationships, is critically important to a new leader’s success. This component is especially important for leaders who are brought into an organisation to bring about change or lead through a crisis. But it is, of course, vital to any new leader’s success as they execute their objectives through and with others.

Measuring your progress…

Finally, the providing of timely and actionable feedback is usually the missing link in most leadership on-boarding situations. Organisations are typically not set up to give formal feedback and the informal feedback on which they rely can be incomplete or missing entirely. Impressions and perceptions about new leaders are formed very early, so it is really important to incorporate both quantitative and qualitative feedback early in the on-boarding program, usually at the 45 to 60 day mark.