
Power up your personal branding on LinkedIn

As mentioned in Company Director (the official magazineof the AICD), all Directors need to be in the know about social media, in particular,LinkedIn.

The trouble is, how can you get up to speed quickly? The answer…spend 90 minutes with a professional LinkedIn Trainer.

You’ll learn quickly about:

  • What to put in your profile
  • The benefits for you
  • Who to keep in your network
  • Etiquette to follow
  • What settings to choose
  • How to network effectively

To register a time for a LinkedIn Power Session call 0403 795 518

Too busy to devote 90 minutes to a face-to-face session?

Get the LinkedIn Audit which assisted my client to achieve ‘Star’ status, and then become one of the top 5% most viewed profiles on LinkedIn

Click here to get your FREE LinkedIn Audit