
Often the brand of the business is an extension of the brand of its founder. Our Business Programs help business owners to define their distinctive brand and extrapolate this to the wider business. The result of this brand building process is a company brand identity that is not fake, not cosmetic, not an ego trip, not selfish, not focused on just promoting and selling. Rather, employees can engage with the company brand and it’s an effective tool to energize them and to give them the proud feeling that they count, that they are appreciated as human beings and that they make a useful and valuable contribution to the company and beyond.

Business BASICS Program

Have you already started your business but it’s not going as well as you expected?…This program will get you on the path to business success!

This is your first step in shaping your business to meet your desires. The Business Basics Program focuses on discovering the critical success factors of your business – those things that really make or break your business, that allow for sustained growth and profitability.

This program is designed specifically for people who already own a business. The program is tailored to individual client needs but there are some basic common themes.

These include:

  • Developing a business vision
  • Setting business goals
  • Discovering the critical success factors of your business
  • Streamlining systems
  • Finding and keeping quality staff
  • Working fewer hours for the same results
  • Time management
  • Networking skills
  • Improving customer service
  • Working ON your business rather than IN your business

The sessions are individualised to suit your needs. You may cover the above themes in detail or you may touch on some of the above themes and then go into other areas of interest or concern. For example, you may wish to work on increasing skills in negotiation or delegating or even brainstorming new ideas for your business.

To register a time for your first business coaching session call 0403 795 518

Business Starter Program

Have you ever dreamed of leaving the corporate rat race and starting your own business or consultancy?…Then this is the program for you!

The Business Starter Coaching Program is an intensive 3 month program designed to help you turn your business dreams into reality. The Business Starter Coaching Program is your interactive tool towards the establishment of your business. The program is ideal if you are starting up your first business and for fostering a “can do” attitude.

You will be challenged throughout the 3 months and will complete the program equipped with a set of strategies you can use immediately.

The Business Starter Coaching Program is facilitated by Toni Binstead and is attended by people who are starting up a business. You will work on your business during exercises throughout the program in one-to-one coaching sessions.

What we do during the coaching sessions is to focus on a single primary topic each week. You will be coached through the topic and you will complete action research assignments as homework.

The sessions are individualised to suit your needs. You may cover the basic common themes in detail or you may touch on some of these themes and then go into other areas of interest or concern.

Marketing Success Program

Are you one of us who dreads the idea of writing a marketing plan but has a vague idea that you should have one? …You will love this program!

We will work as a team, using an engaging, question-based model, to explore and create a marketing plan that will actually guide your business decisions and make you far more successful.

No confusing jargon, just useful information created in a fun environment with the guidance of a professional business coach!

 “It’s fantastic! I’m blown away…I really feel like I’m on track now. This is the most educational program I have ever undertaken” – Katy Beaubois

We work together to explore what will power your business and make you wildly successful. You will participate in one-to-one coaching sessions each week. You’ll follow an easy-to-use question-based formula to identify your key success factors and strategies. You will end up with a finished marketing plan that will guide your business decisions.

We’ll start out with a group discussion/brainstorming session on marketing ideas for your business and you will set your own personal goals about what you want your plan to do for you.

Each week you will review and discuss a set of questions in the marketing plan model. During the session, you will work with your coach to talk through and find your own unique answers to the questions. By the end of the program, you will have a much clearer picture of the key success factors and strategies you need to focus on to make your business succeed. You will be ready to take your plan into action in the coming year.

 “That light at the end of the tunnel that I thought was an oncoming train,well, it ended up being sunlight!” – Paul Door