
By aligning your Leadership Brand with yourself you will create a stable basis for your trustworthiness, credibility, and personal charisma. Our Leadership Programs are geared toward executives, professionals and anyone who wishes to develop his/her personal leadership skills, become a successful authentic leader, manage organisational change effectively, differentiate themselves, set themselves apart from others, position themselves strongly in relation to competitors, and build credibility and a solid reputation.

Leadership Success Program

Our leadership programs are based on the Zenger-Folkman model of leadership and also utilise concepts from Marcus Buckingham’s book Now Discover your strengths.

Today’s organisations are evolving into federations, networks, clusters, cross-functional teams, temporary systems, ad hoc task forces, lattices, modules, matrices—almost anything but pyramids with their obsolete top-down leadership.

The Leadership Success Program will help you to thrive in these new complex leadership situations.

During the Leadership Success program you will learn to think quite differently about your own development and the way you develop others. The aim of the program is to develop GREAT leaders, rather than just good ones. You will be presented with a new conceptual model of leadership, a revolutionary view of leadership competencies and fresh, innovative paths to developing leadership skills.

IDENTIFY: Finding Out About You…

The program starts out by identifying and building on your strengths as a leader. You will gain insight that helps provide direction and feedback that you can act on.

INNOVATE: Finding Out What You Want to Do…

You will create an individualised Leadership Development Plan which identifies key areas where you can leverage your strengths—aligning your strengths with your passions and the organisation’s strategy. We utilise an empirically proven goal setting method called Goal Attainment Scaling and you will be asked to determine what will count as evidence for the attainment of your goals.

IMPLEMENT: Pulling This Together…

You will use an action learning approach during coaching to broaden your leadership experience and skills and actually apply education and learning in the workplace. If required, you will be coached and supported during rotations by your coach acting as a sounding board. We will use a systems methodology to understand how the changes you are making will change the environment in your team/workplace. Your Coach will go beyond helping you embody new skills and capabilities; together we will create a shift in your context so you become capable of behaving differently, enabling you to have a radical impact on your team and organisation. Hargrove (1995) calls this kind of transformational learning “Triple-Loop Learning” – a requisite for achieving breakthroughs.

INSPECT: Making Sure You Get There…

At regular intervals you will review your progress utilising Goal Attainment Scaling. Throughout this process you will be asked to keep a Personal/Professional Leadership Journal.We work with high acheivers to help them get even better!

Board of Director Success Program

Board leadership is most critical at times of transition or crisis, such as:

  1. the early stages of organisational development
  2. transition from a founder/executive director or long-time board chair
  3. responding to a major new initiative from external sources/conditions
  4. implementing the decisions of an internal planning process

Board Leadership…

The first question to answer is “What is board leadership?” We’ll take a few different approaches to answering this and look at what forms that leadership can take.

Board Culture…

The next stage is to think about…Why some boards and individual members step up to take the lead at times of change and why others do not?

Armed with a solid understanding of how you can participate more fully as a leader we’ll look at:

  1. The importance of the board’s culture in promoting leadership & how to implement characteristics of a productive board culture
  2. How to create an organisational culture that encourages and supports board members to step up to their leadership responsibilities.
  3. How Executive Directors can help board members develop the knowledge they need to be effective ambassadors for the organisation.

Board Structures and Systems…

A board is strengthened by asking questions about its own ways of working to make sure that its operating and decision-making practices keep up with changing demands, shifting responsibilities, board size and composition. Next, we’ll look at the systems and structures which will support the changes you are implementing.