Are you looking for advice on personal branding?

An effective brand is in harmony with your dreams, life purpose, values, passions, competencies, uniqueness and things that you love doing.

I will help you to create an authentic, distinctive, consistent, persuasive and memorable Personal Brand, and use it as the focal point for your behaviours and actions.

Together we will define your Personal Brand Story, which is the essence of what you want to say about your Personal Brand in order to produce a positive emotional reaction.

Then I’ll help you communicate your Distinctive Personal Brand via different channels including social media. You’ll build credibility and be seen as an expert in your field. We will work together to raise your visibility, build a strong network, deliver on your brand promise, and ultimately live according to your brand.

Book an initial coaching chat with Toni Binstead now:

Creating your distinctive personal brand is the first step towards success in your Business, Leadership and Career.

small businessYour Business The brand of the business is often an extension of the brand of its founder. My programs help business owners to define their distinctive brand and extrapolate this to the wider business. The result of this brand building process is a Company Brand identity that employees are drawn to.READ MORE…

Leadership SuccessYour Leadership  Knowing your leadership brand enables you to build connections with others on authentic and firm ground. The Leadership Success Program is geared toward executives, professionals and anyone who wishes to develop their leadership skills, become a successful authentic leader,READ MORE…

 Career SuccessYour Career Having a strong Personal Brand is a very important asset in today’s competitive job-seeker market. The Career Success Program will help you to create and communicate a distinctive Personal Brand, and use it as the focal point on which to build your career.READ MORE…

 Having a distinctive brand will:

  • Give you an opportunity to identify your personal strengths and capability to add value to organisations.
  • Enable you to have a fuller sense of your own capacity and how to use it effectively.
  • Help you to build connections with others on authentic and firm ground.
  • Allow you to connect with people on the basis of a sustainable core, not a false or shallow glimpse of who you are.
  • Allow you to find contexts that value and grow your brand.

But creating your brand is just the first step.

Next you need to communicate your distinctive brand and share it with others.

Then, you need to stay in touch with perceptions of your brand. Espoused-but-unlived brands create cynicism because they promise what they do not deliver. To ensure that the brand you promote is embodied in your day-to-day work, check in with those around you. Do they see you as you wish to be seen? If you say you are flexible and approachable, do others find you so?

In order to fully unlock your potential you may need a coach to monitor what you’re doing and give you feedback. Your coach will help you to evaluate if the actions that you’re doing are consistent with the brand that you want to be known for.

Once created, your brand isn’t static; it needs to evolve in response to the different expectations you face at different times in your career. Those with the self-awareness and drive to evolve their Distinctive Brands are more likely to be successful over the long term — and to enjoy the journey more.

Book an initial coaching chat with Toni Binstead now: